Questions & Answers

Some common questions about chiropractic

How can I tell if my spine is healthy?

Years of training and experience, plus sophisticated analysis techniques, enable your D.C. to detect subluxations, but there are some simple things you can look for to find out if your spine is healthy.

15 warning signs of an unhealthy spine:

  1. Your heels wear out unevenly. Can be due to uneven leg length or stress along the length of the spine.
  2. You can’t take a satisfying deep breath. Breath, health, spinal health and energy are interrelated.
  3. Your jaw “clicks”. Can be caused by neck or hip subluxations.
  4. You have to “crack” your neck, back, or other joints a lot. Can be caused by areas of your spine that are locked or jammed.
  5. You can’t twist turn your head or hips to either side easily and equally. Reduced range of motion.
  6. You are often fatigued. An unbalanced spine drains your energy.
  7. You have poor concentration. Subluxations affect brain health.
  8. You have low resistance to disease. Subluxations affect your neuroendocrine system which plays an important role in your resistance to disease and your ability to fight infection.
  9. Your foot flares out when walking. This test is easy as long as you don’t cheat. Merely look at your feet as you walk. Do they both point forward, or does one foot appear to flare outward or inward? Do both? Foot flare may be a sign of a problem in the lower spine or hips, or meningeal stress in the upper neck or base of the brain.
  10. One leg appears shorter than the other. Keep your shoes on, and lie down. Have someone stand behind you, look down at your feet, and gently push your heels toward your head. Compare where the heels meet the shoes. One foot (it’s often the right) may appear anywhere from 1/8″ to 1″ shorter than the other. (Circle the short leg and write amount of inches of mm it’s off. Show it to your chiropractor.)
  11. You have poor posture. Stand on two bathroom scales. The weight distribution should be about the same over each foot. If it is not, that’s a good sign that your spine, hips or head are off centre.
  12. You have headaches, back aches, sore or tender spots in muscles or joints. Common signs of subluxation.
  13. You have a constant stressful feeling and tension especially in muscles and joints. Muscles are affected by subluxations.
  14. You feel stiffness in your back and neck. Stiffness may be a sign of subluxation damage.
  15. You just don’t feel right, you are in general poor health

I've heard there is a risk of stroke from neck adjustments. What is the actual risk?

Risk of Stroke

  • 1 in 5.85 million adjustments

Canadian Medical Association Journal 2001

  • 3 in 10 million adjustments

“Chiropractic is one of the safest forms of health care…” “Stroke” Journal 2001

  • So rare, hard to calculate risk ratio

“Stroke” journal 2001

  • “The apparent rarity of these accidental events has made it difficult to assess the…risk. No serious complication has been noted in more than 73 controlled clinical trials or in any prospectively evaluated case series to date”

Annals of Internal Medicine, published by the American College of Physicians, from more than 160 reports

What are orthotics and how can they help me?

Orthotics and what they do:

People put stress on their feet daily by wearing ill-fitting shoes or by walking around on feet that do not function properly.

The average person takes 8,000 to 10,000 steps per day, add sports and living in a downtown city and you can be taking upwards of 15-20,000 steps per day. It’s no wonder that by age 20, 80% of humans have developed some type of foot problem, and by age 40, nearly everyone has some kind of foot condition.

With every step you take the impact travels up the body. If your foot functions improperly it will have an negative effect on joints higher up the kinetic chain (your ankle, knee, hip and spine). This may result in pain or discomfort. Most individuals will seek out medical attention for the symptoms they are experiencing in their joints, but do not realize the source of their pain is their feet. Our initial Chiropractic assessment includes a gait analysis. Gait- is used to describe how our limbs move while we walk.

Orthotics work on the feet in the same way braces and other dental appliances work on the teeth. Orthotics exert gentle but consistent pressure to bring the foot muscles and bones back into proper alignment.

Orthotics can be made from a wide range of materials, depending upon the reason they are being used. If they are being used for cushioning, then the material will be soft or foamy. For stability, the orthotics will be semi rigid but will still provide some shock absorption. If you need orthotics that offer maximum stability and support, then rigid orthotics are available. Our State-of-the-Art diagnostic equipment and examination will provide you with the proper orthotic for your needs.

Learn more. Book your appointment today.